NewNet Secure Transaction Routing and Transport solutions deliver secure transaction routing and transport from consumer initiated devices and tokenization of cardholder data. Reliable and scalable transaction transport, switching and routing systems ensure the security of transaction data originating from consumer initiated devices flowing through the public dial, broadband and mobile networks around the world. NewNet Secure Transaction Routing and Transport delivers to FinTech, Cloud Service Providers, and Mobile Network Operators as well as Telco, Retail and Hospitality Enterprises.
Secure tunnels between endpoints with appropriate compliance features.
Risk Management
Avoid transporting sensitive consumer data and other detail through the use of tokenization which replaces at-risk data with surrogate values.
Offloading the high volume processing of TSL, SSL, and encryption from host systems with load balancing enhances overall performance.
IP and Dial-up
Support mixed processing environments and support the migration to IP and the cloud with transaction routing and transport systems optimizing IP and telephony.
Small footprint stackable systems supporting virtualization deliver cost-effective secure transaction routing and transport.