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STC Accelerating Cloud Transformation on Leading Cloud Marketplaces Globally for Payment Providers
NewNet Secure Transactions Inc • November 24, 2023

STC Accelerating Cloud Transformation on Leading Cloud Marketplaces Globally for Payment Providers

Transcending the Geographies, Across Global Cloud Providers’ Marketplaces, and Extending for All Payment Modes - NewNet STC is Enabling a Rapid Transformation of the Payment Providers to the Cloud Infrastructure.

Powering this effectively as the industry drive, technology readiness & market demand join forces for a seamless migration of the incumbents & jumpstart for the greenfield payment providers with STC.

Quite exciting to grow the list of customers running the STC deployments & trials in all geographic regions and across AWS, Azure, Google, and Oracle Cloud Marketplaces.

Contact NewNet Sales at [email protected] for additional information.

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