------------------------------------------------- Creation Date: Wed Nov 08 2023 ------------------------------------------------- BASE : ami-0e246804824b0ec90 [STC-STD-9-10-0] FINAL : ami-0ae78a396441de275 [STC-ENH-13-0-1] 1. New Kernel Version Kernel: Linux primary 3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64 GNU/Linux 2. AWS Scanning of this AMI was successful. 3. Releases installed/upgrade in this AMI CEM_FAS_1.2.59 4. Updated Security_Patch_Centos_7_11 with updated net-snmp rpms net-snmp-5.7.3-4.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-perlmods-5.7.3-4.x86_64.rpm 5. AMI Details in AWS console STC-ENH-13-0-1 ------------------------------------------------ Creation Date: Sun Jan 09 2022 09-01-2022 ------------------------------------------------ BASE : ami-0594e59331530db54 FINAL : ami-0884887ab10b65f27 1. Created stc-scripts/apply.sh as final step to imate preparation - shall copy stc-scripts from git to /opt/stc-scripts - Change permissions of scripts as required - Call prepare.sh 2. Modified prepare.sh with more commands to clear history 3. Modified sshUsersConfig.sh to prevent duplicates in SSH Config file 4. Edited sshd_config. Duplicate lines have been removed 5. Yum update has been done. -3.10.0-1160.49.1.el7.x86_64 6. Sanity tested for Fake Key SSL and WebCEM 7. Placed /etc/stg/.enhanced file 8. Copied Support RPMS connection-stats-1.1.4.x86_64_centos_el7_amzl.rpm host-dns-resolver-1.0.7.x86_64_centos_el7_amzl.rpm reset_stats-1.1.8.noarch.rpm snmp-mon-1.1.7.x86_64_centos_el7_amzl.rpm STG-BACKUP-1.1.1.noarch.rpm tcpdump-4.9.2-4.el7_7.1.x86_64.rpm tools WebCEM 9. Installed Release CEM_FAS_1.2.37.1307 AG NFV TKSS NFV 10. AMI name in EC2-AMI Console is STC-Enhanced-13-0-0-19-MP-Submission -Creation Date : 2022/01/09 01:51 GMT+5:30