------------------------------------------------ Creation Date: Fri Nov 03 2023 ------------------------------------------------ BASE : ami-0b6d3d5a405e74db6 [BYOL 8-13-0 Release] FINAL : ami-0e246804824b0ec90 [STC-STD-9-10-0] 1. New Kernel Version kernel.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7 2. AWS Scanning of this AMI was successful. 3. Releases installed/upgrade in this AMI CEM_FAS_1.2.59 4. Updated Security_Patch_Centos_7_11 with updated net-snmp rpms net-snmp-5.7.3-4.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-perlmods-5.7.3-4.x86_64.rpm 5. AMI Details in AWS console STC-STD-9-10-0 ------------------------------------------------ Creation Date: Fri Jan 27 2023 14:33:05 ------------------------------------------------ BASE : ami-08a9886e5ac186808 FINAL : ami-0105418776cd40387 1. New Kernel Version kernel.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1160.81.1.el7 2. AWS Scanning of this AMI was successful. 3. Releases installed/upgrade in this AMI CEM_FAS_1.2.51 4. AMI Details in AWS console STC-STD-9-9-0 ------------------------------------------------ Creation Date: Wed Dec 14 2022 17:47:05 ------------------------------------------------ BASE : ami-0fae498b6d2ca6096 FINAL : ami-08a9886e5ac186808 1. New Kernel Version Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.80.1.el7 2. AWS Scanning of this AMI was successful. 3. Releases installed/upgrade in this AMI CEM_FAS_1.2.49 AG NFV 6_4_2_4 4. The installed AG contains PDV feature for Rede • EFT based transaction • Blacklist based on MID • PROBE Message • TRAP Message 5. AMI Details in AWS console STD-STD-9_8_0_0 ------------------------------------------------- Creation Date: Thu Jul 14 2022 11:37:03 ------------------------------------------------- BASE : ami-06ed82ad8362b5f7c [STD 9-6-0 Release] FINAL : ami-0d6936652c3947219 1. This AMI is for Autoscaling and Security Updates due to AWS flagging the listing needing update 2. New Kernel Version Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64 3. AWS Scanning of this AMI was successful. 4. Releases installed/upgraded in this AMI STG-BACKUP-1.1.2-1.noarch CEM_FAS_1.2.45 AG NFV Releases inherited from BASE image identified above TKSS NFV 5. The installed release in this AMI contains the following main feature - Autoscaling: allowing 52 fkey for AWS instance 6. As part of AS support the STG-back-up installation is now part of the AMI. - STG-BACKUP-1.1.2-1.noarch 7. AMI Details in AWS Console: STC-STD-9_7_0 ------------------------------------------------- Creation Data: Tue Feb 22 2022 13:52:01 ------------------------------------------------- BASE : ami-0136f65d19d50665d [BYOL 8-10-0 Release] FINAL : ami-06ed82ad8362b5f7c 1. Added /etc/stg/.standard file 2. Kernel Version inherited from BASE image identified above Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64 3. Releases inherited from BASE image identified above CEM_FAS_1.2.37.1307 AG NFV TKSS NFV 4. AMI Details in AWS Console: STC-STD-9_6_0 Creation Data: Tue Feb 22 2022 13:52:01 ------------------------------------------------- Creation Date: 16-11-2021 ------------------------------------------------ BASE : ami-0ee62713de8fd3f3b FINAL : ami-0594e59331530db54 1. modifed /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 # this disables generating defaut route during bootup - added DEFROUTE=no 2. copied cloud.cfg to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg 3. added stc-scripts/cloud-init/runcmd.sh - this generate default routes for eth1 with table 10001 - commented default routes code from stc-scripts/networking.sh 4. added stc-scripts/image/prepare.sh # this would easy image preparation automation.11-03-2022 -