Android, iOS, Windows based Smart Mobile devices acting as “Smart POS” with user centric payment applications have emerged as the de-facto standard of rapidly growing, high volume, evolving mobile payments across the world. The necessity to ensure standards based security of the transactions from these devices, providing protection to the sensitive payment data as collected on these devices and the merchants’ systems dealing with the transactions are very critical for end to end security.
Payments from Smart POS are typically based on REST/JSON, HTTPS/JSON, HTTPS/XML based messaging protocols. The ability of payment routing infrastructure systems to handle these protocols and route these payments with standards-based security to the existing Authorization Servers with suitable protocol translation is key to seamless deployment of these payment devices, and faster adoption.
NewNet offers enhanced payment security solutions for providing security of payment transactions from Smart POS terminals together with support for the specific messaging protocols. STC application in the public or private cloud along with CloudHSM delivers the fundamental security capabilities needed to enable safe and reliable transport of financial transactions, security verification, multi-level security for the payment transactions which requires high levels of standards based data encryption, as payment traverses over many network types. Cloud native, API driven, smart UI based, quick integration capable and leveraging virtualized CloudHSM for the best in security & rapid deployment.
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Virtualized Secure Cloud Payment Routing & Transport Solution
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